
Hot, salty, flowing, swollen tears,
Tears that make the heart flutter,
Drag us down to earth’s core,
Take our breath away –  the kind that make stomach muscles spasm and heave, Leave us nauseous
and collapse us to the floor, hanging onto the pillow for our lives,
Tears that mix with laughter until we can no longer see,
Tears that force a body to breathe in the rhythm of sadness,
dripping down our temples in unison with gravity

To feel –
The swooping connectedness of awe and beauty,
The overwhelm of birth and death,
To be unwanted, to be loved,
The unforgiving relentlessness of chronic joint pain,
The bloody child crying on a tiny screen,
Our limits. 

The burst of a peony after a day of rain,
Infinite crashing of waves on a beach,
Luna moth wings unfurling,
the magical abilities of a free solo climber or a virtuosic pianist
– Nature’s Passion. 

Where’s the logic in that?
True virtue is to embrace
Not avoid 

Cry for awhile,
And then write another list of hope,
The wind is the universe feeling –
It will carry you. 




Luminous steely thread pulled longer ever tighter from womb to teen
Children pull away into their possibility by comparing me to freedom

The loneliness of a cell phone
The solitude of finding the right study desk deep within the library stacks

Time to look elsewhere;
Towards my own center of gravity,
Who do I comfort now?
What problems do I solve?
Where do I sit?

Why keep playing when someone gets hurt in every game?

Heartache is a dictionary –
Each word a sling shot through learning something
wildly new and surprising
the hard way
and not in precise alphabetical order

There are no regrets for wearing the jersey of evolution
But I didn’t get the rules in time to make an informed decision

Now, grief and joy are in the ring daily
Opposing forces of love’s two sided tyranny

The breaks come with pen in hand and at the halfway point of an embrace Just long enough to keep me hooked

somewhere in the middle. 




The crawling itch of mosquito hunger
Nagging waves
Relentless beauty of sunset and moonrise
Hot wind
Figs that must be eaten

My mother mind
Aware of duty dishes
Unbrushed teeth
And comparisons

Post-menopausal weight
Aching in my heels and rock crushed toes
An aging body in an old country

This summer’s song not so different from last year’s

Inserting myself without the language or the right shoes

For the view
For an international perspective
For the children

The rhythm of the tormentone carries a melody of tradition and safety

Generational repetition

While my body erodes from
Sitting for the screen 

Barely breathing dehydrated strays beg for anything they can get – a look, a ball, a bite
like the crispy shrunken pomegranate and fichi d’india cactus flesh

The resistance to death is everything

My privileged guilt – twisted Roma thread on my wrist, a steal at 1 euro  – a reminder that I “have it all.”
Limbs and mind
A dog

Luck has given me the time to torment…

Until Aperol Spritz ice melts. 



I told a story in front of a live audience

I was honored to be invited as a story teller in Concord Art’s “True Stories Told Live: From the Classroom” in November of 2021

Concord Art’s “True Stories Told Live: From the Classroom”  is a collaboration with Fugitive Productions.


  • Alyssa Bigay, Teacher at Concord Middle School
  • Tete Cobblah, Retired educator and artist who lives in Maynard, MA, Director of the Witness Tree Institute of Ghana, a non-profit educational organization that runs summer professional development programs for American and Ghanaian teachers in Ghana
  • Norah Dooley, Teacher & Children’s Author, Massmouth co-founder, StoriesLive Creator, Greater Boston Story Slam Series Founder
  • Kemp Harris, Former Kindergarten teacher of 38 years, plus singer-songwriter, activist, actor, author, and storyteller
  • Rob Munro, Dean of Academic Program and Equity at Concord Academy
  • Nita Sturiale, Professor in the Studio for Interrelated Media at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design
  • Sara Sweet Rabidoux-Kelsey, The Moth StorySLAM Winner & GrandSLAM Champion
  • Aaron Wolfe, Moth GrandSLAM winner, Featured on the Moth RadioHour, Teaches Storytelling at the PRX Podcast Garage

On the other side of 18

The edge
     gap or bridge

Birth Day
Something you and I will forever share 

I can be your
carbon steel carabiner
helping hand

Whatever is needed for you to fly –

To the Next

Sometimes I will sit quietly, listen, dry your tears
Sometimes I will still nag  (I promise)

To get you to the other side 

But your wings are of your own design, attached to you, yours alone.
Beautiful, Confident, Capable, Ferocious – deep garnet red with obsidian
galactic sparkles, cerulean edging, and an iridescent emerald green sheen.
Each feather a scar, a story, a desire, a laugh, a pirate’s song, a possibility. 

Packed with all you need for the trip. 

You go on ahead.

Photo Credit Renée Ricciardi.


About Hope

Hope is the sound of wind in a leafless tree at midnight;

It’s the chance sighting of a few falling stars in the middle of a meteor shower;

Or, the moonlight casting shadows;

It’s not knowing everything will be alright, but knowing you’re doing your best;

Hope is being able to walk to the next best thing;

It’s having what you need while also wanting more; 

It’s finding your way home without a flashlight;

Hope is the name of a student you’ve watched transform;

and breathing slowly on a spinning planet;

Hope is feeling now, and trying again. 

And again.

And again.



December 14, 2021


The debri left by pulling away from being born,
Vision is obscured but yet I am more focused and forgiving.

The little strands of matter in a dehydration dance.

Aging feels like the body is being replaced bit by bit with spirit.
With each ache and pain you can almost feel the invisible cord to God. 

Failings, fears, frustration, sadness, hints of regrets
more wisdom, questions, acceptance, 

Living with that ever-present feeling of never being able to catch up with the work –  writing, organizing, cleaning, cooking, gardening, meditating, exercising, talking, giving, counting, documenting, making – before it’s too late.

But it also feels like I’m heading somewhere. Not swimming upstream quite as much, but giving in to the hints – a toad’s croak pulls me towards it, the flowering weed demands to stake a claim in the yard, the unexpected moment of teen connection, the new pants that actually fit.

I still want. 

I want to be appreciated, seen, held, loved.
I want others to care
     About others
     About the planet
     About love and science.

In my own mind my eyes are big cartoon bug eyes upon which I overly depend. 

And my feet too. Big heavy Dr Marten tree roots that hold me up, move me around, even climb mountains. 

As it all weakens, and the pulling away begins to pull me down, and the floaters, and the challenges, move along with my view, I’ll need to find other things to hold me up. 

Like dancing, and giving in to whispers of ice cream, and hammock naps, and the freedom to be curt, honest, and demanding.

They say it’s a natural part of aging.



July 7, 2021

This is a poem about pain

Pain I never asked for,
Pain I deserve,
Pain I can never understand,

your pain

feet, knees, and backs,
cells dividing, splitting migraines,
dull, thudding, sharp as a knife,


I can’t breath.
I hate you forever,

Violation and hunger

The kind of pain that never goes away, but is assimilated, Lamarckian integration into the genetic code,
Generational shifts and evolution.

“What doesn’t kill us make us stronger?”

And then, radical forgiveness and true tolerance

That boy in the back of he bus? Maybe he was lonely and desperate. Maybe he was beaten by his father. Maybe he needed power to prove he was worthy of living.

If you rip away the chrysalis too soon the butterfly dies.

Pain may grow into resilience.
A resilience that I own.
A resilience we all deserve.

Dedicated to the students in the Poetry and Creative Writing group in the Studio For Interrelated Media at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design on 11.7.2019

complicit walls

your safety is a torment.

you say you are patriotic, generous, you respect the flag and country and the rule of law.  swamps are not your thing. you’ve worked hard and deserve every gold coin. 

america is the greatest country that has ever existed, you say –
an inspirational experiment in justice and liberty for all.  don’t like the way we do things here? get out. 

you are blind.
you are limited.
you are angry.

you are scared.

you can’t keep out OTHER. your sand bags against change are sagging and weak. the seams in your walls are full of holes that time will increase.



your children are starving, your father is on a hit list, your mother was raped, your family never gets a good night’s sleep because you fear violence in the night, your daughter needs heart surgery, your son is a gifted mathematician and needs access to education… will you stay were you are or will you do everything you can to escape and find a glimmer of hope, a chance, safe harbor.

you are a patriot.
you defend your country that stands for liberty and justice
for all.

you labor.
you learn.
you speak.
you break the wall down.

you change your mind.