I was honored to be invited as a story teller in Concord Art’s “True Stories Told Live: From the Classroom” in November of 2021
Concord Art’s “True Stories Told Live: From the Classroom” is a collaboration with Fugitive Productions.
- Alyssa Bigay, Teacher at Concord Middle School
- Tete Cobblah, Retired educator and artist who lives in Maynard, MA, Director of the Witness Tree Institute of Ghana, a non-profit educational organization that runs summer professional development programs for American and Ghanaian teachers in Ghana
- Norah Dooley, Teacher & Children’s Author, Massmouth co-founder, StoriesLive Creator, Greater Boston Story Slam Series Founder
- Kemp Harris, Former Kindergarten teacher of 38 years, plus singer-songwriter, activist, actor, author, and storyteller
- Rob Munro, Dean of Academic Program and Equity at Concord Academy
- Nita Sturiale, Professor in the Studio for Interrelated Media at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design
- Sara Sweet Rabidoux-Kelsey, The Moth StorySLAM Winner & GrandSLAM Champion
- Aaron Wolfe, Moth GrandSLAM winner, Featured on the Moth RadioHour, Teaches Storytelling at the PRX Podcast Garage