

My art is process oriented work made in conversation with myself around my concerns and anxieties.  It is often therapeutic, often narrative, and often featuring characters from imagination.  This allows me to externalize the issues for contemplation and find insight through the process of creation.

The exploration of medium allows for intuition and surprising insight to emerge.  Each technique has revealed a set of metaphors and conclusions that are more or less available through process.  Curiosity for the subject of self as a complicated being has lead naturally to curiosity for technique, groping for articulation and meaning.


An interactive digital work based on narratology and expressionism as shown through dialogue, visual design, and game design.  Explores themes of addressing and overcoming divisive selfishness for common goals,

  • Demo – This links to the current demo of the ongoing project: the introduction and first chapter of five total.
  • Process – Links to context in writing and to process images of assets from the game.
  • Story Plan – Link to the full design of the project as told through dialogue options during the game.


This summer I took a class on animation, both theory and beginning techniques.
Three pieces were made, consistent with my body of work:


  • June Reviews – Work made Spring 2020 in the context of quarantine and political upheaval.
  • Previous Work – Art made within the graduate program prior to this year.
  • Personal Website – Features art made before attending the program.