Images: Sam Witherow, Afsaneh Aynesazi Doyom, and Laurie Gordon, MFA ’22




MassArt Wiki page resources are available when logging with your MassArt username and password, on a campus computer or via a VPN to the campus system.


Prior to course start, faculty may contact the Program Director, and/or the Graduate Program at to request a specific classroom, or type of classroom, for regular class meetings. To request an on-campus class meeting location that is outside of the normally scheduled room, or for a different meeting time, please contact the graduate program,, in advance. There are spaces across campus for installations, screenings, meetings, and presentations that may suit the needs of your class. 



Faculty may use digital technologies in presenting or teaching their courses. Faculty may want to speak with their Graduate Program Director regarding specific technologies or tools the program uses. The following is a list of various resources that the college uses, or that individual faculty have recommended. 



The College uses the Papercut system (information is on MassArt’s Service Hub)  to track and regulate printing all across campus. At the beginning of each semester, faculty are assigned a $50 credit on their Papercut account. IT can provide information on Papercut, at

To print a large copy job, especially at the start of the semester, it is recommended that faculty utilize the Central Services Print/Copy Services (This link is available when logging on with a MassArt username and password, on a campus computer or via VPN to the campus system). Drop-off or email the copy job and a request form to Central Services (4th floor, Tower building, at least 24 business hours in advance of your class meeting. This prevents long lines from forming in the graduate office and keeps the machine running effectively.

The Graduate Programs Office has an all-purpose copy machine that can print and copy in color or black and white. While faculty need their ID to access the machine, all copies and prints made on these administrative machines are free. Students can be allowed to use this machine during class time with faculty permission. Please make a request in advance, for either your own use, or class use of the office machine.

Copiers and printers in the all-access labs, such as the Computer Lab (3rd floor of Tower) or Library charge per page. The computer lab also has large roll printers that can print on a variety of surfaces. Faculty may use their Papercut account in the lab and library.



Field trip requests or plans are sent to the Graduate Program Director. Make your request as far in advance as possible. Any budget request, or travel outside of the city, must be approved far in advance of travel, whether or not there is a funding request. Any vehicle rental must be requested in advance, for booking on the college’s account by the graduate team.

For a nearby field trip, walking distance or by train (the T), simply fill out a Field Trip Form (provided by the graduate team) and attach a copy of the roster or attendance list. Paper Field Trip Forms are submitted to the Graduate Programs Office, Tower 401, before travel starts. The graduate team will forward the forms to the proper offices and keep a copy for office records.

If students are traveling out of the city or riding on a rental bus, in addition to advanced approval for travel, each participant will need to complete a Travel Waiver Form. Once travel is approved, the Graduate Team will create an online Travel Waiver Form for the class. 



Visiting artist/lecturer requests are sent to the Graduate Program Director. Make your request as far in advance as possible, as funding is limited. The Graduate Program Director and grad team can guide you on determining the stipend for the visit. Stipends are to be approved by the Graduate Program before a visiting artist is hired. Payment paperwork for approved visiting artists will be prepared by the graduate team.

  • Visitors must sign in and sign out at the Public Safety Security desk at either Kennedy or the Design and Media center (DMC).
  • Visiting artists may want to review MassArt’s COVID Safety Guidelines.



Requests for course supplies are sent to the Graduate Program Director. Make your request as far in advance as possible, as funding is limited. Once the purchase is approved by the Program Director, the graduate team, can assist you in arranging the purchase. If you are approved to make the purchase yourself, you must keep a copy of the itemized receipt to be submitted to the Graduate Program Office with a Payment Request form in order to be reimbursed. Faculty must have a W-9 form on file with the Accounting Office, in order to be reimbursed. If this is a first reimbursement, faculty may submit the form with their payment request. Request a copy of MassArt’s tax exemption certificate prior to purchase, so you may purchase supplies without paying for tax (tax is not necessarily reimbursed).



Requests for a teaching assistant are discussed with the Program Director prior to the start of the term. Once the Program Director approves, the faculty member submits a request for a TA/GA via a Graduate Assistantship Request form that is sent to all faculty and staff from Academic Affairs (Assistantship request deadlines are generally in July for Fall and early December for Spring). Requests are reviewed by the Graduate Dean and are subject to approval. For more information see Graduate Assistantships.