Image Details (L-R): Darci Hanna, Davit Botch, and Hadis Karami
The graduate programs are pleased to present the first on-campus graduate student curatorial project of the 22/23 academic year: Penumbra, on view at the Doran Graduate Gallery from October 10 – November 11, 2022. The ehibition is curated by Patrick Brennan (MFA’24 2D Fine Arts) with collaborative assistance from Darci Hanna (MFA’24 2D Fine Arts).
Penumbra is a group exhibition themed on the concept of the infinitely subtle gradation between a true umbra in which a celestial body’s shadow blots out the sun completely (despair) and the pure sunshine (euphoria). This exhibit encompasses a selection of works that express uneasiness, and struggles dealing with an emotional state of mind in which both treasures and tension are present, an enigmatic ambiance of feelings both painful and pleasant in various intensities of each.
Daily life is a penumbra, only rarely do we see pure delight or pure desolation, but this should not be confused with numbness as it is important to feel even when we aren’t sure what we are feeling. This exhibition is an attempt to take the banality of our everyday emotional states and grab the nugget of meaning out of something that often appears at first glance to be like static or white noise.
Penumbra: “a space of partial illumination (as in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full light”
- Davit Botch
- Patrick Brennan
- Darci Hanna
- Hadis Karami
- Dara Morgenstern
- Ashley Pelletier
- Danielle Richard
- Tiffany Wang
- Zoë Watts
- Ava (Yikun) Xu