We are educators, visual artists, designers, writers, scholars, and activists focused on learning to serve everyone who is interested in creative growth. In why i write, why i create, one generation teaches the next how to have courage to deliver truths through art. We feel that we are as strong as the link among teaching moments across generations.
Jeanette Luise Eberhardy, PhD, MFA
Educator, essayist, book artist
Program Chair, 1st Year Writing
Associate Professor, MassArt
Verónica Pedrosa Abdala
Artist, educator, storyteller, curator
Visual Arts Educator, Boston International Newcomers Academy
U.S. and Colombia
2016 participant in why i write. why i create.
Roshan Akbari
Fashion Designer
Owner, b–chichi.com
U.S. and Iran
2015 participant in why i write. why i create.
Leena Cho
Artist, musician
U.S. and South Korea
2016 participant in why i write. why i create.
Joshua Hernandez
Digital designer
Design Director, Bay State Financial
2016 participant in why i write. why i create.
Alice Yingrong Shao
Visual storyteller, designer, art educator, event coordinator
U.S. and China
2018 participant in why i write. why i create.