The Teaching with Technology Collaborative (TTC) is a one-stop resource for MassArt faculty. We help professors, whether full- or part-time, choose and gain confidence in using technologies for teaching. There is considerable evidence that shows that student engagement increases when technology is used in conjunction with face-to-face instruction. When properly used, technology can promote openness, creativity, collaboration, and sharing. However, faced with myriad pressures and hectic schedules, and not always knowing whom to ask for help, some faculty can understandably find it hard to incorporate technology into their teaching.
The TTC meets upon request with faculty members who are interested in exploring instructional technologies for their courses. They may wish to do so in order to increase active learning, to help manage their course workload, and to broaden their skill set. After learning about their particular needs, we recommend various tools such as Moodle or WordPress and provide training.
- Hubert Hohn, Technology
- Patrick O’Connor, Technology
- Caitlin Pereira, Library
- Rachel Resnik, Library
- Katie Riel, Library
- Abi Sweeney, Library
- Greg Wallace, Library, TTC Coordinator
- Fred Wolflink, Technology
- Meg Young, Technology