Every year juniors from the MassArt Illustration department collaborate with Boston’s Handel & Haydn Society to provide artwork for one of their annual masterworks performances. This year the piece was Handel’s Messiah. Students create original works of art in response to live performances H+H musicians and with background provided by the Society’s Historically Informed Performance Fellow. The students’ works of art are judged by a jury and twelve are selected as winners, this year to receive special recognition in an online gallery.
Congratulations to this year’s winners: Nicole Burmeister, Zachary Gattoni, Morgan Gredenius, Jackie Lane, Lydia Lasky, Elena Mathis, Marina McKeever, Pauline Pitts, Gersom Rivera, Darius Serebrova, Yingrong Shao, and Josselyn Siegel!
The rest of submissions, as well as the winners, can be viewed by walking through the Virtual Gallery.