Studio Investigations Summer 2013

The MAT course Studio Investigations, taught by Kristen Mills, ended on Friday July 28 with an exhibition in and around the Arnheim Gallery.

In this course MAT students who have completed their first year of art education courses focus on their own studio work in an intensive, all-day format for three weeks. In the fall semester these students will be student teaching and finishing their MAT degrees.

See gallery.

Commencement 2013

MAT Graduates Kathryn Finnan, Szu-Chia (Alice) Lee, Jennifer (Jace) Smith, Reid MacPherson, Darrell Ann Gane-McCalla, and Marcela Ormaza at Commencement on Friday May 24, 2013.

Thanks to Jace for sending in this photo.  We would welcome photos from BFA graduates too.

End-of-Semester Events: Portfolio Day

May 22nd is Portfolio Day. The student teaching  portfolios will be on view in South 109 from 11:00 to 3:15. They will be reviewed by our alumnae Marianne Taylor, who teaches at Driscoll Elementary School in Brookline, and Jessie Young, who teaches at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.