Aimee DeBose Receives MAEA Award

The Massachusetts Art Education Association has chosen our own Aimee DeBose as the 2014 Higher Education Art Educator of the Year.  

Aimee will be receiving the award on November 9 at the MAEA Fall Conference at the University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth.

A graduate of our MSAE program, Aimee taught for eight years at the K-5 level in the Ipswich Public Schools.  In the Art Education Department Aimee has taught a range of courses, including Art and Human Development, PrePracticum I (undergrad and grad), Portfolio, and Concepts and Processes for Classrooms.  She has played a large role in furthering the department’s relationship with the Bakalar/Paine Galleries, especially by involving the Prepracticum I students in Family Day.

Laura Reeder in Selections

Selections is a multi-disciplinary, multi-media exhibition in the Paine Gallery of work by MassArt faculty who are newly hired or who are returning from sabbatical.  Don’t miss seeing “me_ meme,” the work of our own Laura Reeder, who is in her second year in the Art Education Department.

In  a video on the college website, Laura says her installation is really about “how information is synthesized in an artist’s mind and how it’s put back out in contemporary media…. it’s a whole bunch of computers talking to each other around a few canvases that have multiple images.”

Selections will be up until December 7.


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A Letter from Lois Hetland: Planning an Art Education Trip to India!

Dear Art Ed Students and Colleagues:

Welcome back from the summer! As you see from Matt’s message, I’m away on sabbatical this fall. An important project of the sabbatical is to develop a travel course to India for Art Ed students. John Crowe and I will be traveling there in late October into mid-November, exploring the possibilities for a trip that I hope will be available to students in January 2015 (fingers crossed).  Continue reading