Majors Registration Day

Art Education Majors Registration Day takes place on Tuesday October 29  in South 109 according to the following schedule:

9:00-10:00      Seniors and super seniors
10:00-11:00     Juniors
11:00-12:00     Sophomores

You don’t need an appointment. Just come at the appropriate hour and sign in on your advisor’s sheet. You will be seen in order.

Saturday Studios

This semester’s Saturday Studios program has begun, offering classes such as  elementary Art Explorations, comic book art, sculpture, painting, photography, figure drawing, and  fashion and fibers  for fourth to twelfth grade students.  The classes are taught by undergraduate and graduate Art Education students.

See a video about the Saturday Studios program here.

Laura Reeder in Selections

Selections is a multi-disciplinary, multi-media exhibition in the Paine Gallery of work by MassArt faculty who are newly hired or who are returning from sabbatical.  Don’t miss seeing “me_ meme,” the work of our own Laura Reeder, who is in her second year in the Art Education Department.

In  a video on the college website, Laura says her installation is really about “how information is synthesized in an artist’s mind and how it’s put back out in contemporary media…. it’s a whole bunch of computers talking to each other around a few canvases that have multiple images.”

Selections will be up until December 7.


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Steve Locke Artist Talk at ICA this Thursday

In conjunction with his current show at the ICA, Steve Locke will be giving an artist talk on Thursday September 19, 6:30-7:30 pm.  The talk will take the form of a conversation with Evan Garza, curator and writer, about objects, paintings, and the male figure in art. Free tickets are required and are available on the day of the program, first come, first served.