Yvonne Troxell Lamothe

Yvonne Troxell Lamothe
MSAE Thesis Exhibition

Quiet Hours

February 25-March 7
Arnheim Gallery
Mon. – Sat. 10-6

Thursday February 28, 6-8 pm


In addition to her thesis exhibition, Yvonne is currently involved in The Canvasation Project at Gallery XIV at 37 Thayer St, Boston.

The Canvasation Project is a multi-media exhibition that features over 100 artists and individual art works together with 12 collaborative paintings painted by groups of participating artists and documented by film producation team “Film Our Way Films.”  The art works and video installation will be presented together.

Yvonne and her husband Robert Flame Lamothe are the documentary filmmakers of Film Our Way Films.  For over twenty years they have been investigating and recording artists’ creative flow.  Both of them are exhibiting artists as well as arts teachers in the Boston Public Schools.

The Canvasation Project engages small groups of artists to create paintings collaboratively while filmmakers film their creative process.  Individual and collective notions of artistic interpretation, visual language, and communication are filmed to explore the artist’s individual method of creative thinking and problem solving.  The layers and surface of each finished Canvasation painting represent a number of individual approaches that manifest in one cohesive work of art.

Exhibition Dates:  March 6 – 22
Reception:  “First Friday” March 7, 6-9 pm