Gina Trott

self portrait


a body of water,

a basin of gold,

a squishy mold of jello, or a trash bag of pulp

like an orange juice for breakfast,

sweet soul, fat like butter wine

sweet licks of reasonableness as a woman wills her way

sweet aroma of lady love,  a bed of clovers

sweet songs of lip cream

and peace-flavored fruits,

pound cake, lemon icing

green grass, blonde hair

right down to the roots!

a thousand instrumental angels

couldn’t sing you the blues



He crawls to me,

i let slip the resistance

yet still reminded of,

should i go               or          should I stay?

a new alignment must decide

if i can really fight    or

if    im   just  spineless


a body of water,

a basin of gold,

a squishy mold of jello, or a trash bag of pulp

like an orange juice for breakfast,

sweet soul, fat like butter wine

sweet licks of reasonableness as a woman wills her way

sweet aroma of lady love,  a bed of clovers

sweet songs of lip cream

and peace-flavored fruits,

pound cake, lemon icing

green grass, blonde hair

right down to the roots!

a thousand instrumental angels

couldn’t sing you the blues

bruised up by the neck,

i let the animal bite

are you a        s n a k e    or a worm?

the prey pays the price

dug up fossils ignite facts

ground up to fuel

stove flames

chop and grind

chop and grind

chop and grind

sweet bones become sticks that drip fleshy oil

sticks become coffins as we cough up the phlegm of yesterday

the splice we made, became dinner


are you hungry?


a body of glitter,

a basin of silver,

a pink-lined quiver coupled with an insecure zipper

like cereal for breakfast,

dry without milk

dry conditions raise suspicion as a man carves his cave

dried eyes crusted, quick, angry, dead

dry sleep, quench me! quench me Darling, quench me! 

i’m drowning in thirst!

can’t finish my sentence, at a loss for words!

a thousand instrumental angels!




Gina Carmela Trott is a multi-media artist, actress, and vocal performer. She strives to uplift those around her, entertain strangers, and share with the world her love for life and universal understanding.