Image: Tammie Dupuis, MFA ’22
- Studio I: Summer – Keith Washington <kwashington@massart.edu>
- June 24 – July 22 | Monday 9AM – 5PM | Kennedy 408 (first day) + Personal Studios
- Studio IV: Summer – YoAhn Han <yhan@massart.edu>
- June 24 – July 22 | Monday 9AM – 5PM | Tower 521 (first day) + Personal Studios
- Studio VI: Thesis II – Loretta Park <lkpark@massart.edu>
- June 24 – July 22 | Monday 9AM – 5PM | Tower 505 (first day) + Personal Studios
- Seminar I – Jonathan VanDyke <jjvandyke@massart.edu>
- June 26 – July 24 | Wednesday 10AM – 4PM | Tower 521 / Online / Doran Gallery 7/11
Special Schedule: 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/11, 7/24 (no class 7/17)
- June 26 – July 24 | Wednesday 10AM – 4PM | Tower 521 / Online / Doran Gallery 7/11
- Seminar II – Gina Siepel <gsiepel@massart.edu>
- June 26 – July 24 | Wednesday 10AM – 4PM | Tower 513
- Thesis Defense – Andrew Yang <ayang2837@massart.edu>
- June 26 – July 24 | Wednesday 10AM – 4PM | DMC 107
- GRAD-640 | PRINTMAKING – Catarina Coelho <ccoelho@massart.edu>
- SPECIAL SCHEDULE: July 2, July 9, July 12, July 16, 9AM – 1PM | East 201 Print Shop
In this workshop, graduate students are introduced to a variety of intaglio techniques – copper etching, collagraphy, silk aquatint, and other printmaking methods. The workshop is structured by a series of tutorials on printing methodologies, layering strategies, permutations between analog and digital imagery, and discussion of individual projects. Emphasis is put on experimentation, and the intersection between printmaking and other media is fostered.
- GRAD-655 | INTRO TO HANDBUILDING – Erica Hood <elhood@massart.edu>
- SPECIAL SCHEDULE: July 2, July 9, July 12, July 16, 2 – 6PM | Collins 203
This ceramics workshop introduces a variety of handbuilding techniques that can be used to create various three dimensional clay forms from start to finish. Students learn how to use a slab roller and a wall mounted clay extruder. Demonstrations and discussions include: slab/coil/pinch construction, making and using templates, basic glazing techniques, and an introduction to electric kiln firings.
- GRAD-657 | INTRDUCTION TO FLAMEWORKING – “Trina” Caterina Urrata <clurrata@massart.edu>
- Tue + Fri | July 19-30, 9AM – 1PM | Collins 106 Hotshop
This workshop introduces the art of flameworked glass. Demonstrations and hands-on lessons teach the foundational skills and knowledge needed to form molten glass with the torch. Projects and demonstrations are geared towards learning basic techniques as well as creative methods to utilize flameworked glass in an artist’s studio practice.
Demonstrations and lessons include: torch, kiln and tool use, basic glass chemistry, color use, solid sculptural techniques, assembly and more.
- GRAD-650 | DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY INTENSIVE – Rebecca Morrison <ramorrison@massart.edu>
- Tue + Fri | July 19-30, 2 – 6PM | T308
This workshop introduces the creative and technical possibilities of digital photography. Students learn camera and digital post-production techniques alongside exploration of historical and contemporary trends and developments in the photographic arts. Students gain skills using digital (DSLR or mirrorless) cameras to create photographs using raw file formats, and learn the basics of organizing, editing, and processing those image files using industry-standard software and workflows. Other topics covered include camera operations (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, focus modes), as well as photographic and aesthetic considerations including lighting, framing, color temperature, depth of field, and point of view.