Planet Earth January 15, 2017
Recently-launched NASA weather satellite GOES-16 looks homeward for the first time on January 15, 2017.
Writes Professor Jennifer Cole:
“In this image, I see our science courses. This semester, in Eating and the Environment, we discuss climate change gases coming from the animal husbandry and agricultural industries, as well as ways to lower emissions through sustainable eating. In Energy in the 21st Century, we discuss how to phase out fossil fuels and move towards renewables, which will keep the atmosphere we see in this image as it is now, rather than bright white. In Wetland Science and Policy, we talk about the role wetlands have in absorbing greenhouse gases, and how we can reclaim, construct, and preserve these valuable ecosystems. I hope that, in learning about these three topics, MassArt students are able to do their part to keep our planet habitable.”