MassArt Enters the World of Gustav Mahler: A Conversation with Visiting Lecturer Paul-André Bempéchat, Charles Altieri (Mass Art ’18), & Liberal Arts faculty

Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 2, “Resurrection”, IV. Urlicht—sehr feurlich, aber schlict (Olga Borodina with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra)

bempechat2Wednesday, October 16, 2016, 6:30 PM in the Huntington Studio of the DMC Paul-André Bempéchat will be presenting his newly-published collection of essays on Gustav Mahler, the great composer of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and renowned conductor of the New York Philharmonic.  The book honors the 90th birthday of Henry-Louis de La Grange,  the world’s foremost Mahler scholar.  Charles Altieri (Mass Art ’18) served as publication graphic designer.

Gustav Mahler

Bempéchat will introduce the music of Mahler and introduce the family, life and works of M. de La Grange who, since the age of 20, has tirelessly devoted his life to establishing Mahler in the Pantheon of classical composers.

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