Current Work in Progress 7/15/2020

These are the drawings I’m working from right now. My plan is to create at least two paintings (acrylic and pastel) on 60 x 48 canvas’. The subject matter is basically an outward representation of the running commentary and observations within myself about the state of our society, especially during a time of political upheaval and a pandemic.

I’ve started the first painting by drawing the outline and began blocking in color.


  1. Hello Joe… I wanted to comment on this first painting – I really appreciate all the details that complicate the narrative. The upside down flag tattoo, the Wu-Tang logo, and the disruption of the faces by the various discrete sections suggesting planes of the face. When I first looked at the work, the shapes in the eyes suggested other people to me so it made me think about the quote in the Leeman article “This is how I see myself… this is how I see you… this is how I see you seeing me…” When looking closer, I realized that there weren’t figures in the eyes but I wanted to tell you my first impression anyway.

    1. That’s interesting Tammy, because much of my work has been in using small figures to create a larger figure. Hmmm…I wonder if somehow that has translated subconsciously into my current work?

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