Meet the Producers


Kelli Davies

Kelli is a multimedia artist from Ormond Beach, Florida earning her BFA in Studio for Interrelated Media from MassArt. Her work in the form of video installation and experimental handmade film focuses on the tactility and manipulation of time, the idea of guarded vulnerability, and conveying emotion through the marriage of audio and visual components. Through the events produced by Eventworks, Kelli hopes to create a stronger sense of community and collaboration both within MassArt and throughout the local Boston area.


Ryann Feldman

Ryann is an interdisciplinary artist, her work primarily revolves around the socio-political, and giving physicality to emotions through video work. Aside from her practice, Ryann is passionate for producing and curating events that catalyze artistic collaboration both within and outside the institutional setting.  Ryann is from Long Island, New York and is currently studying Studio for Interrelated Media.

Here is Ryann’s personal website.

Experimental Production in Boston