Long-Term Sub / Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District

The Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School is searching for a .6 FTE long-term substitute Visual Arts Teacher.  The position is available immediately through the last day of school in June, 2014.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, teaching one section of sculpture and two sections of Art 1 for the duration of the school year. Continue reading

Long-term Sub / Academy of the Pacific Rim

The art teacher at the Academy of the Pacific Rim in Hyde Park is looking for a long-term sub for her maternity leave next fall.  Ideally, she would like to have a student from the Education Dept. who would be able to shadow her at the end of this school year and then teach for 12 weeks next fall.  The school is 5-12, but she  teaches grades 6, 7, and 8 with after-school extracurriculars for the other grades.
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India Now Travel Course

India_art2_forweb Lois Hetland and Saul Nava of the Liberal Arts Department will be leading MassArt’s new travel course to India, called India Now: Contemporary Art, Craft, Ecology, and Culture. This course can be taken either as a studio elective in Art Education or for Liberal Arts  math/science credit, and the deadline to apply is April 1st.  In the fall semester the class will meet Thursdays 7:00-9:00 pm; then the trip to Bangalore and the Andaman Islands will take place January 2-19, 2015.

Students can expect to make art in response to their experience in India; observe and carry out service work in community learning centers for impoverished students, where art propels the curriculum; and use art to investigate a tropical archipelago with a unique ecology. The course facilitates exploration of the aesthetics, ecology, educational innovations, and contradictions of India’s culture-in-rapid-transition. It is hosted by Srishti College of Art, Design, and Technology–one of the few Indian art colleges based on the indigenous instead of the colonial model of art education imported from Britain.

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Art Education Student Writes Winning Nomination for High School Art Teacher


Erin Grocki

Gina Mudge

Gina Mudge

Behind almost every MassArt student there is probably an amazing, inspiring  high school art teacher, maybe even one who changed their lives.  Many would not be at MassArt today without the encouragement and advice of their teacher.

Gina Mudge, sophomore Art Education major, had a chance this year to nominate her high school art teacher, Erin Grocki, for the annual Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award.  The Sondheim Awards “celebrate the teaching profession, the important role of teachers in society, …. [and] the power one teacher has to inspire others and transform lives.”

Of hundreds of nominees from around the country, six teachers were chosen, and Gina’s nomination won the award for her teacher at Bishop Fenwick High School in Peabody, Erin Grocki. Along with the honor, Mrs. Grocki, who now teaches at Masconomet Regional High School in Topsfield, will receive $10,000.
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