Department MTEL Policy
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Art Education Department MTEL Policy
BFA Students
All students in the Art Teacher Education track and the Studio Education track must pass both sections of the MTEL (Communications and Literacy Skills test and Visual Arts test). You are not eligible to register to student teach until you have passed both tests.
In order to facilitate your successful completion of this requirement, the following policies have been put into place:
Seminar I can only be passed if you register for the MTEL Communication and Literacy test. You must present a copy of your test registration to your instructor in order to fulfill this requirement.
Pre-Practicum I requires registration for the MTEL Visual Arts test. You must present a copy of your test registration to your instructor in order to fulfill this requirement.
Pre-Practicum II requires full participation as a teacher; therefore you must provide evidence of taking the all of the MTELS and establishing your ELAR before you complete this course. If you fail any MTEL, you can take it again, but your student teaching and internship plans may be delayed.
TPP and MAT Students must pass both sections of the MTEL (Communications and Literacy Skills test and Visual Arts test) in order to register to student teach.
All Student Teachers (to-be) must have passed both sections of the MTEL one complete semester before student teaching begins.
The only students not required to take the MTEL are those in the Community and Museum Education tracks. Students from these tracks who decide to become certified may have their program delayed if the above timetable is not met.
TPP and MAT Students
You must pass both sections of the MTEL (Communications and Literacy Skills test and Visual Arts test) in order to register to student teach.
Deadlines for All Students
To student teach, students must have passed both sections of the MTEL by the following dates:
- For Spring semester student teaching: by the beginning of the fall semester preceding the student-teaching term*
- For Fall student teaching: the beginning of the spring semester preceding the student-teaching term *
*Exceptions are made only for students who have taken all sections of the tests at least twice by the deadlines above, but have not passed. Taking all sections but not passing qualifies students to be considered for exception, which may, but will not necessarily, be granted at the discretion of the faculty.