Kate Jellinghaus in Concert

KateJellinghaussinginggroupKate Jellinghaus, currently a TPP student, will be performing with her singing group Divi Zheni, Boston’s own Women’s Bulgarian chorus, this Saturday February 20th. 

7:30-8:00         10th anniversary concert

8:00-11:00       Dance Party – lively Balkan dancing!

Location:  Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont

Student tickets:  $10, includes refreshments

Tamara Safford in JP to Me Exhibit

TamaraSaffordforwebArt Education major Tamara Safford is one of forty local artists in

JP to Me 2010
From Emeralds to Jewels

an exhibit at the historic Footlight Club, 7A Eliot St., Jamaica Plain

January 29 – February 13, 2010

Reception: Saturday February 6, 6-8 pm.


The artists were each randomly assigned to one of Jamaica Plain’s green spaces, Jamaica Pond, Arnold Arboretum, Forest Hills, Franklin Park, and Southwest Corridor Park.  They were challenged to bring to light a “jewel”  in Jamaica Plain’s portion of the Emerald Necklace.  Tamara was assigned to the Aboretum.

 See the JP to Me website


Last Minute News Flash

Lois Hetland says, “Today, Tuesday, January 26, from 5:30-7:-00 pm in Askwith Hall on Appian Way, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Howard Gardner will be presenting an Askwith Forum marking the 25th anniversary of the publication of Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. He rarely speaks on MI anymore, so I expect he’ll be interesting in this retrospective. If you’re interested, just be sure to go early — I’m pretty sure it’ll be a full house.”

Kristen Mills Openings

Kristen Mills has two openings this month:

Friday January  22, 5-8 pm

CIC/GS 001

Group Exhibition at the Cambridge Innovation Center
Curated by Aaron Luckman and Wayne Stokes

1 Broadway, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 

KristenMillsFPACJan2010forweband next Friday January 29:

At the FPAC Gallery

Artists: Kristen Mills and Jessica Hyatt
Guest Juror Heidi Kayser

Artists’ Talk: Friday, January 29th, 5-6pm
Opening Reception: Friday, January 29th, 6-8pm

FPAC Gallery, 300 Summer St, Boston, MA

MAEA Conference in November

Mass Visual Culture
Massachusetts Art Education Association Conference
November 13–14, 2009
 at The University of Massachusetts /Dartmouth

 Student fee:  $45 pre-registration; $55 at the door

Dan Serig will be presenting “Matter and Metaphor: Imagining Identities in a Globalized/Tribalized World.”
This presentation considers influences of Ecuadorian globalized/tribalized material culture on the art making of a group of transcultural art educators. Material culture as a conceptual framework for art education is discussed.

John Crowe and some of his students will be presenting “Visual Culture STORIES.”
As Curriculum building blocks, stories have sticking power. The presenters will share thoughts, research and a catalog of examples applicable to visual art study.

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