Request for Proposals – Arnheim Gallery

Request for Proposals

Arnheim Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art & Design

 The Arnheim Gallery is accepting exhibition proposals for the fall semester of 2015.  The call is open to all MassArt students, staff, faculty and alumni working in any media. The deadline for proposals is Friday May 8, 2015 by 5:00 pm.

Proposals must align with the gallery’s mission statement: The Arnheim Gallery acts as a physical curriculum that furthers the mission and philosophy of the Art Education department. The gallery is a public venue to showcase the interfaces of art, education, and research. These interwoven contemporary practices provide opportunities for innovation in a gallery setting focused on teaching and learning in the visual arts.

Be sure to include:

–       All participating artists names and contact info, including email

–       Up to one page written proposal

–       Images of work (or plans for work) in jpeg format

–       Résumé (s)

Please email these items to noting ‘Arnheim Proposal’ in the subject line.  You can also mail them to:

Kyle Brock

Arnheim Gallery Coordinator

Art Education Department

Massachusetts College of Art & Design

621 Huntington Ave

Boston, MA 02115

Talk To — A Salon of Paired Works

An Arnheim Gallery exhibition October 2013 curated by Zachary Herrmann, Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, and Nicholas Sullivan.