Boston College Teachers for a New Era Lecture Series

The Effects of High-Stakes Testing on the Economy and the Educational System 
Wicked Policy for Massachusetts and the Nation

Dr. David C. Berliner, Regents Professor in the College of Education at Arizona State University and co-author of Collateral Damage:  How High-Stakes Testing Corrupts America’s Schools, will synthesize background literature on high stakes testing and combine it with the latest research on testing practices and press accounts of  the reactions  to NCLB testing policies from teachers, administrators, parents, and students, to support their contention that high-stakes testing, far from having the uplifting effects promised, instead undermines the eduational system and corrupts those who are touched by it.

February 12, 4:30 p.m. in McGuinn Hall, Room 121, Boston College

Race, Cullture, Identity & Achievement Seminar Series

Closing the Achievement Gap for Latino Students:  What Does It Take?

Speaker:      Eugene Garcia, Vice President, Education Partnerships, Arizona State Univeristy, Tempe, AZ
February 14, 4:00-6:00  p.m.
Wheelock Family Theater, 200 The Riverway, Boston

Anti-Bias/Anti-Racist Education for All Children

Speaker:    Louise Derman Sparks, Professor Emeritus, Pacific Oaks College and Children’s School, Pasadena, CA
March 12, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Boston Children’s Museum, 300 Congress Street, Boston

Series sponsored by:  Boston Children’s Museum, Boston Public Schools Center for Leadership Development, The Center for Collaborative Education, Constance and Lewis Counts, Lesley University, Boston Plan for Excellence, TERC, Simmons College, Wheelock College

Lecture and Workshop

Understanding the Social, Emotional and Learning Lives of Black Male Students
Wheelock College
March 13-14

"To Be Male, In School and Black: Connections and Consequences of Teacher Beliefs and Practice"
Free lecture: Thursday, March 13, 2008, 4:30-6:30 p.m.

All day workshop: Friday, March 14, 2008, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

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MSAE Alum Mardi Reed Offers Workshops

Mardi Reed (MSAE 1994) has opened her studio in Jamaica Plain for workshops,  individual and small group classes, and exhibits.  Her passion is the visual journal, drawing spontaneous images after meditating, walking, and running.  The visual journal was the topic of her MSAE thesis at Mass Art. Mardi is a member of the Cellar Dweller’s Printing Group and the Jamaica Plain Artist Association.

In the coming months Mardi will be offering:

Saturday Drawing Workshops

– Combine spontaneous drawing with writing words

– Use your other hand and connect with your creative self

– Explore personal marks

– Use drawing to develop insight and focus on life change

3rd Saturday of each month: 
Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 15
Pudding Stone Studio, Hyde Square, Jamaica Plain
$25 to register & $50 the day of the class/includes materials

Walk and Draw Nature at  the Arboretum

1st and 3rd Sunday of the month
$35 per session
All levels welcome.

Call Mardi at 617-522-2021 or e-mail her at

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ICA Teacher Workshops


Exploring Contemporary Art Through New Media

February 2 and March 1, 2008

Identity and Portraiture
Saturday, February 2, 10am – 4:30pm
Instructor:  Eric Gottesman
Animating Objects and Ideas
Saturday, March 1, 10am – 4:30pm
Instructor:  Kevin Driscoll

These new media workshops for teachers are designed to deepen understanding of ideas and processes in contemporary art through the experience of digital technology.  Each workshop begins with a gallery discussion of selected works in the  permanent collection.  In the ICA  Digital Studio, teachers then learn to use digital media to create original works exploring the ideas and techniques of the artists discussed.  No prior experience in new media is required, and each workshop may be taken separately.

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Arts Advocacy Day at the State House


Artists under the Dome
November 8, 10:00-3:00
Great Hall, State House

The first annual Artists Under the Dome  event is happening this Thursday at the Massachusetts State House, to honor artists and invite artists in all disciplines (including dance, music, theater, writing and the visual arts) to become engaged with state policy makers.  The Commonwealth is recognizing individual artists  as "the corner stones of the foundation of our culture and our creative economy. "

This is an opportunity for all artists at every level to be counted in a way that could effect future funding for the arts in this state.   At the event  next Thursday, all legislators will have their doors open to talk to artists about supporting the arts, and that’s a rare opportunity not to be missed .   Artists are strongly enouraged to rsvp for this event. 

iew the official invitation

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