Arnheim Gallery, February 2012: images from a ten-year retrospective of the Artistic Noise organization. The work is by youth involved in the juvenile justice system or youth living in the communities served by Artistic Noise in Boston and New York.
Category Archives: Arnheim
Saturday Studios Fall 2011 Exhibit selections
Images from the Fall 2011 Exhibit featuring the work of students taking one of the the Saturday Studios courses. Visit the Saturday Studios Blog for more images from the classes and to see lesson plans from our Art Education students.
MSAE 2011 Work from the Thesis Show
Featuring work by:
Darren Buck
Joanna Chase
Bree Curtis
Darlene Gillan
Annie Kane O’Connor
Sheryl Pace
Jeremiah Stevenson
New Educators / Growing Artists
Exhibition of work from the schools and community sites of the student teachers and community interns Spring 2011.
2011 All School Show: Art Education
Artwork Inspired by Ecuador
Magical Realism: An Exhibition of Artwork Inspired by Ecuador