Art Education Faculty in Selections Show

AdrianaKatzew3_Mexican_field_worker_standingforwebSelections 10
Bakalar and Paine Galleries

February 1 – March 13, 2010

Featuring work of new faculty and faculty returning from sabbatical. 

New Art Education faculty member Adriana Katzew and John Giordano, who returned from sabbatical this year, have work in the show.  

                                                 Adriana Katzew, Mexican Field Worker Standing

In the Arnheim Gallery: Evelyn Berde


Evelyn Berde
Leaving the River

November 16 – December 3, 2009
Arnheim Gallery

Opening reception:  November 18, 5-9 pm

Gallery hours:  Mon. – Sat.  10-6

Evelyn Berde was a classmate of John Crowe’s at MassArt  and an adjunct faculty member in our department in the late 1980s. After more than thirty years as a practicing artist and educator, Evelyn returns to MassArt this fall with her latest work, a multi-media installation incorporating paintings, photographs, and sculptures that become a testament to the power of art as a force for survival and transcendence.

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