Professor Emeritus Dean Nimmer Wins Teaching Award

Dr-Dean-withKidsforwebDean Nimmer (Professor Emeritus, 2D Fine Arts) has been chosen for the 2010 Distinguished Teacher of Art Award by the College Art Association.  The award will be presented at the CAA conference in February.

In his “retirement,” Dean is working on his second book, Making Abstract Art, teaching at Holyoke Community College, and teaching elementary art at Curtis Blake Day School!  He’s an inspiration to us all.

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MassArtEd Updates


Massarted has been undergoing some upgrading during November. We have reintroduced some features such as robust integrated courseware and forums, and installed a new simple blogging system for all registered users that you can use to post events, discussions and images. 

New and old users are encourged to log-in and update their profiles to take advantage of all of the new features. Look for the user menus on the right.  New accounts must be submitted to Deborah or Eleanor for approval.