Lois Hetland Wins Alumni Award at her Alma Mater


On October 16 Lois Hetland was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa for her groundbreaking research in art education.


Lois graduated in 1975 with a Bachelor of Special Studies degree in visual arts and music, which she followed with a fifth year of teacher education preparation.  Her father, Mel Hetland, was an Education Professor at Cornell.

After nearly two decades of classroom teaching Lois undertook doctoral studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she is a Research Associate in Project Zero. 

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Majors Registration Day

Majors Registration Day is Tuesday October 26.

Art Education advising and majors registration will take place in South 109 according to the following schedule:

    9:00 – 10:00      Seniors and super seniors

 10:00 –  11:00      Juniors

 11:00 –  12:00      Sophomores

You do not need an appointment.  Just come at the appointed hour and sign up on your advisor’s sheet.  You will be taken in order. 

After meeting with your advisor, you will be placed on the class lists for your Art Education classes.

Student Teaching / Internship Meeting

Are you doing student teaching or a community or museum internship in the spring semester?  There will be a meeting on Monday September 27 at 4:30 in South 109 for everyone who will be, or might be, student teaching or interning next semester.  Don’t miss it!  Julie Melone-Hickey will lead the meeting and will be coordinating placement of student teachers and interns for the spring semester.

A Message from the Chair as the Semester Begins

Dear Art Education Students:

Welcome back, or in a few instances, welcome for the first time to MassArt. We will gather as a department for majors orientation on Wednesday, September 8th from 9:00 AM to about noon in Kennedy 307. During this event, you’ll get to know your faculty better, we’ll make some art together, you’ll have some time with your advisor, and we’ll assign studio spaces for those taking Portfolio. We’ll also have some pizza. Plan to join us.

I would also like to welcome Beth Balliro and Aimee DeBose as full-time faculty in the department. Ms. Balliro comes to us from the Boston Arts Academy, an arts-based, urban public high school. She was one of the founding faculty members and brings a wealth of experience in public school teaching, urban education issues, and community engagement. Ms. DeBose has several years experience teaching elementary art in public schools, as well as classes for youth in gallery and college settings. Ms. Balliro and Ms. Debose graduated from MassArt programs, so they are both makers and teachers. Their art practices inform their teaching and vice versa. Please join me in welcoming them to the department.

 Remember to keep up to date on department happenings by regularly checking this website.

 I look forward to seeing all of you on the 8th.

 Best regards,

Dan Serig, Ed.D.
Chair and Associate Professor of Art Education

MTEL Computer-based Testing Option

You now have the option of taking the Communication and Literacy MTEL test on a computer instead of paper and pencil.

Information at  MTEL:

Note:  If you want to register for computer-based testing, check seat availability before paying the registration fee and test fees.  Once you pay the registration fee, you will not be able to get a refund even if there are no available seats on the dates you want.  Computer-based testing is popular, and most seats are booked far ahead of time.