Jose Santos

Jose Santos (Teacher Certification Program 1996, MSAE 1999) is  currently taking part in the exhibition Mentoring at Fort Point Arts Community Gallery March 8-April 30, 2012.

Opening reception: March 8, 5-8 pm and also April 12, 5-8 pm.

Jose and his student Harry Mayer at Brown School in Somerville are among the teacher/student pairs in this exhibition.

See more: Jose Santos Mentoring

Teach Film Accepted for Boston International Film Festival

The Boston International Film Festival has accepted the documentary film Teach: Teachers are Talking, Is the Nation Listening  to be screened at this year’s film festival. The film festival will be held from April 13th through April 22th at the Loews Cineplex / AMC, here in Boston, Massachusetts. Teach will be screened on Patriots Day April 16 at 1 p.m
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Amanda Schuermann

Amanda Schuermann, who just completed her BFA in December 2011, is  an artist-in-residence and art teacher at Dorchester Academy. She is working with Chandra Ortiz, MSAE alumna and adjunct faculty member in the Art Education Department.

Jameel Parker

Jameel Parker (MSAE 2008) is showing recent work in Language & Sound as Form: Jameel Parker and Percy 12E Wright at The Gallery at the Piano Factoy, 791 Tremont St.  The reception is Saturday February 11, 6-8pm.