Jen Hall in New Book

Jennifer Hall, Professor in the Art Education Department, is included in a new publication, Blaze: Discourse on Art, Women, and Feminism.

Co-editited by Karen E. Frostig and Kathy A. Halamka, the book features fourteen detailed and well-documented feminist histories that narrate a number of pertinent strands of activism regarding feminist art, scholarship, and organizational development while exploring current crossroads.

Jennifer has co-written a chapter of Blaze with Ellen S. Ginsburg, PhD., medical anthropologist and Associate Professor of Anthropology/Sociology at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, MA. The title of their chapter is: “The Tipping Point Project: A Case Study in the Collaboration between Medical Anthropology and Art,” which is a case study evaluation of an interactive art installation they opened at the Boston Center for the Arts last year.  The “Tipping Point Project” brings together the collaborative efforts of Professor Ginsburg and Professor Hall, Information Artist, to create a new paradigm that merges art practices with anthropological investigation.

You can now purchase Blaze: Discourse on Art, Women, and Feminism on

If you are interested in hearing more about Blaze and the Tipping Point Project, a local book event has been scheduled with the Boston Public Library for Wednesday, March 12, 2008. Contact jen at  for more information.

For more about the Tipping Point Project, click here.

If you are interested in a copy of the interactive DVD about the Tipping Point Project, you can rent it from or purchase a copy from Aspect Magazine at