Jen Hall to Speak at Lesley University


Jennifer Hall will  be a panelist in a panel discussion on New Media Art, Robotics, Engineering, and Education as part of  NightVisions, a 2-day festival of the moving image and digital arts taking place at Lesley University during the Boston Cyberarts Festival.

Where Art and Technology Collide:  Examples from the Field
Friday, May 1,  4pm
University Hall, Amphitheater
Lesley University
1815 Mass Avenue, Porter Square,  Cambridge  



Panelists:  Jen Hall (New Media Artist and Educator, Massart),  Gina Kamentsky (Mechanical Confections),  Matthew Mazzotta (the Buscycle),  Lisa Kumskaya Gordon and Ali Horeanopolis (AstroDime Transit Authority)

Presenter:  Sam Smiley (Community Arts and Education, Lesley University)

Respondent: Brenda Matthis (Technology and Education, Lesley University)

Creative Arts in Learning (Lesley) and CCTV Cambridge are the sponsors of Night Visions.