George Nick Prize

The George Nick Prize competition is now open to juniors and seniors in all majors.  That means you are eligible to apply, Art Education juniors and seniors.  See the prize description and the revised rules below. 

George Nick Prize (REVISED 4/23/07 )

The Massachusetts College of Art Foundation is very pleased to announce the competition for the fifth annual George Nick Prize. The purpose of the George Nick Prize is to encourage emerging artists; who, through observational capabilities, skill in drawing, and understanding of the role of tone and color, create two-dimensional works that can be recognized in terms of content and emphasizing form(s) of realism.

This Prize will be awarded on the basis of merit, upon the discretion of the jury. Traditionally, the prize amount has been $9,000 to be split between one or more winners. The Prize is restricted to works done in drawing, painting, and printmaking by all majors in their junior or senior undergraduate years or Masters of Fine Arts candidates (first and second years) at MassArt. Former George Nick Prize winners are ineligible to apply.


Rules & Selection Process

1. Jury

A three-member jury led by Professor Emeritus George Nick and two other members will review all submissions.

This is a BLIND JURY. Please do not put your name on your work or your proposal. All proposals and work will be numbered when you drop it off.

2. Eligibility

Open to ALL MAJORS in their junior or senior undergraduate year and all Masters of Fine Arts candidates (first and second years). Former George Nick Prize winners are ineligible to apply.

3. Process

The jury will take place on Friday, May 4, 2007 in the MassArt Tower Gymnasium.

All interested applicants will be invited to submit:

  • A well-defined proposal (not to exceed one page) detailing how the prize would be spent
  • A resume, including current contact information
  • A body of work made up of 6 – 10 paintings, drawings, or prints, dropped off in the Tower Gymnasium between 9:30 and 11:30am on May 4, 2007
  • All submitted works must be DRY
  • Work MUST be picked up between 4 and 5pm THAT DAY (May 4, 2007). If you are not available to pick it up, please make arrangements for a friend to do it for you

No exceptions. We will not keep work left after 5pm.

4. Schedule

Once again, all works and the proposal must be dropped off on May 4, 2007 between 9:30 and 11:30am in the Tower Gymnasium. The jury will meet that afternoon and all work must be picked up between 4 and 5pm.

*The winners will be notified by telephone, using the contact information given on the prize application.*

Questions? Please contact Maryellen Schroeder in the Career Services Office at 617.879.7776.