Congratulations to all involved in the All School Show. The exhibition was of such high quality –the level of thinking and making I believe was unparalleled in comparison to all previous Art Education showings for the All School Show! The studio culture and expectations for the whole Art Ed community to really dig in and develop coherent, communicative, expressive, and sophisticated work, were in evidence. And the awards bestowed were just the delicious icing on the most spectacular cake!
Congratulations to all who submitted work; to all whose work was chosen for exhibition; to Jen Hebert, Laua Mazzei, Lindsay Metivier; Lori Korczynski; and Vanessa Irzyk for their awards; and to the faculty and staff who worked so communicatively and transparently with you all (John C., Steve Locke, Kyle, and Kristen….I hope I am not leaving anyone out!). I am so pleased for you and hope that you are so very proud of yourselves!
And now onto Art Ed extravaganza Part II – if you have not already done so, please check in on the Exhibitions class show Consumption, now in the Arnheim Gallery. Wow! John G and the students enrolled in this class have so thoughtfully explored this theme that the work just knocks you over. Congratulations to you all too…..see you at the opening next Thursday, April 19th in the evening as usual.