Talk To — A Salon of Paired Works in the Arnheim Gallery

Talk To
October 15-26, 2013
with special guest Lewis Hyde Thursday October 17, 7pm

Most of us can name a work of art that has been a catalyst for our own thinking and production. This liminal connection might be an homage, a study, or even a negative retort. Each artist in this exhibition is presenting a work of art alongside the image of an inspirational work by another artist.

Lewis Hyde, the college’s recipient of the Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts degree in 2013, explores in his most recent book Common as AirĀ our cultural commons, “the vast store of ideas, inventions, and works of art that we have inherited from the past and continue to enrich in the present.” This exhibition displays our indebtedness and connections to history and community.

The show was organized by Zachary Herrmann, Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, and Nicholas Sullivan.

See gallery.