Continuing Education
Youth Programs
Summer Studios – 2D, 3D and Issues & Images
Strong leadership, management, organizational, and interpersonal skills are a must. High energy and flexibility are important for this position.
The Teaching/Administrative Assistant (T.A.) will report daily to the Program Manager. The T.A. works closely with their assigned faculty and the Supply Coordinator.
Overall program dates: July 20-August 15, 2015
2D class time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30-11:20 (Set up and clean-up 30 minutes before and after class)
Issues and Images: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,: 11:30-12:30; Wednesdays: 7/23. 30 and August 6: 1:30-4:30
3D: July 21-August 1: Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 1:30-4:30; Wednesdays, July 23 & 30 : 8:30-12:30 (Set up and clean-up 30 minutes before and after class)
Orientation: Monday, July 20, 2015: 8:30 am
Reviews: Thursday August 13, 1:30-4:30
Final Friday: Friday, August 14, 2015, hang exhibition or assist with final day activities
Student Exhibition: Saturday, August 15, 2015, 11:00am -3:30pm
The Teaching/Administrative Assistant will have the following responsibilities:
- Submit an updated resume and 2 references
- Work in the classroom as a colleague and support system for faculty
- Attend planning meetings prior to the program, 2 meetings during the program, and 1 final meeting at the conclusion of the program
- Attend Curriculum planning meeting with 2D-3D-Issues and Images teachers
- Attend the July 20 Orientation for students
- Ensure classrooms are clean and work areas are in good condition
- Assist in the distribution and collection of supplies
- Assist in setting up the Student Exhibition during the final week of the program
- Participate in activities on the final Friday (August 14) and attend the August 15 Student Exhibition
- Assist in “wrap-up” of the program
All faculty, staff and teaching assistants must complete a CORI in order to work in youth programs at MassArt.
Hourly Rate: $15.00