Faculty Presentations at NAEA Conference in Texas

The National Art Education Association conference will be held this year on March 7-10 in Forth Worth, Texas.

This is the largest annual gathering of art educators in the world and  includes over 1,000 participatory workshops, panels, seminars, research reports, discussions, exhibits, and tours as well as  keynote addresses by world-acclaimed educators, artists, researchers, and scholars.

Fourteen Art Education  students will be attending, and several of our faculty will be giving presentations.

Lois Hetland will present “Envisioning: The Development of a Reliable Assessment in the Visual Arts” and “Then and Now: Perspectives on Art Learning and Assessment from Art Education and Learning Sciences” (with other educators).  She  will also conduct a conversation with teachers, “Current Uses of Studio Habits in the Classroom.” On Saturday at 11, she will sign copies of  Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education, a second, revised edition of the influential book she co-authored.

Dan Serig  will present ” Designing Art Education: A Case Study from Ecuador.” Dan spent part of his recent sabbatical as a consultant in Ecuador, a country with a vibrant arts culture which is creating programs to develop art teachers for public schools for the first time. In past summers Dan has led trips to Ecuador for groups of graduate students.

 Laura Reeder will be involved in the “Journal of Social Theory in Art Education Author’s Roundtable,” discussing her article in the current issue of the journal. She will also share her current research in the “Seminar for Research in Art Education: 30th Anniversary Session.”