SGA Sponsors Opportunity for Professional Exchange

MassArt Education Professional Exchange
Wednesday February 27th, 4-6 pm
location:  Kennedy 2nd floor conference room
Come and meet alumnae and other art education professionals. Explore career paths, ask questions, converse in small groups. An informal dinner will be served.

RSVP  to SGA reps:
Darien  ( or Anna (

Don’t miss this opportunity:

– Explore career paths in the field (dispositions and work environments): museum/gallery educators, K-12 art teachers – urban/suburban/rural, community arts education, extended school day, arts education leadership positions, etc.

– Meet practitioners who may provide networking resources for life after MassArt

– Understand expectations that these professionals might have for future interns or student teachers

 What will the exchange look like?

– Professionals in the room introduce themselves and what they do.
– Students introduce themselves and share a few sample questions that were gathered in advance.
– All break into smaller “interest group” conversations (based on career category).
– Large group reconvenes to share discoveries and “out-the-door” ideas.