The Victor School, a private Special Education school serving bright adolescents with emotional challenges in grades 8-12, is seeking a dynamic, creative Art teacher. An academically-rigorous school that is part of the Justice Resource Institute, TVS offers a collaborative working environment and strong emphasis on individual professional development. If you want to challenge yourself and continually learn new things, we’re the place for you.
We are seeking candidates interested in a rewarding teaching career in special education. Must have a BA and be licensed or license-eligible in Art or Moderate Disabilities. Must be organized and detail oriented, patient and enjoy working with adolescents. Prior experience working in a classroom setting preferred but not required. Experience with digital art a plus. Full-time available, but part-time is an option for the right candidate.
We offer a comprehensive and generous benefits package including tuition reimbursement. EO/AA Employer
Submit cover letter, resume to:
Susan Woodin
Education Director
380 Massachusetts Avenue
Acton, MA 01720
via fax: 978-263-3088
or e-mail:<>.