Congratulations Kristen!

KristenMillsforwebKristen Mills (MSAE 2006), who has been an adjunct faculty member in Art Education for four years, has been admitted into the MFA program in Painting at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia.  This is a two-year program that includes a study-abroad component. Kristen will spend the first year of the program in Rome!

She will be finishing up at MassArt at the end of June and moving to Rome in August. 

Kristen has made a tremendously energetic contribution to the department  in teaching Portfolio, Creating Community, and Concepts and Processes for Classrooms; coordinating Art Jump Off; and managing the Arnheim Gallery.  Most recently, she curated a show including many Art Education students at gallery 406, Midway Studios for the Fort Point Open Studios.

We will really miss her!  We wish her great success in her MFA program and in all her exciting projects and plans in the future.