Alternate Doorways at Charlestown High School


Monumental Sculpture Installation, Charlestown High School, 2010

From the Charlestown High School Staff Newsletter:

Art Education Student Teacher, Kate Jellinghaus, and Art Supervising Practitioner, Moe Lane,
supported also by Art Education students from Professor Maureen Kelly’s class at MassArt, Issues and
the Individual Learner
: Carrie Peterson, Robert Burns, Amanda Schuermann, Dan Lambert, Mike
Guyette, Courney Look, Leah Jaffe, Nick Alberti, Emily Carroll, David Ingenthron, Laura Brady

This project is about envisioning ALTERNATIVES to the metal detectors that Charlestown High students enter when they come into school each morning. Over 40 Charlestown High art students worked in design teams to create symbolic doorways that express how they would want to feel (and others to feel) as they enter the school. These were installed in the lobby of the school like a tunnel, for students to enjoy, along with their design statements.

Thanks to Kate, Moe, CHS students and MassArt Education students for creating this beautiful statement about our students’ dreams for their education here at CHS!

This installation, Alternative Doorways, together with the Haiti Quilts, will be exhibited atthe “New Educators/Growing Artists” show at Massachusetts College of Art, Arnheim Gallery, in SouthBuilding from May 12-21. The opening is this Wednesday evening May 12th  from 5-6:30. The exhibit will showcase the work of MassArt Education Student Teachers who have been working in schools throughout the Boston area. All Charlestown High students, staff, faculty, family and friends are invited!