Page Fellowships to Attend Imagine America Conference

PAGE: Publicly Active Graduate Education
Seventh Annual PAGE Summit
Speaking Within and Beyond the Academy


Imagine America Conference
Thursday, September 23 – Saturday, September 25, 2010
Seattle, Washington

As public scholarship has grown as a viable form of knowledge-making within higher education
over the past decade, many graduate students and early career scholars have sharpened the
practical and theoretical tools with which they approach their own engaged teaching and research
agendas. At the same time, the exciting possibilities offered by linking scholarly rigor with civic
commitment increasingly attracts both new and established scholars to the field.

Across such a broad spectrum of experience and knowledge, the questions and concerns of
publicly active scholars range from the basic to the complex: What is publicly active scholarship?
How does scholarship activate civic engagement, and vice versa? When theory and practice unite
in community-based projects led by graduate students and new faculty, what are the
implications—for graduate and early-career scholars, for the communities involved, and for
academic professionalization? What are the implications for those making the leap in to the
professoriate? Have the artifacts of scholarship recognized within the academy expanded? How
does one write for the broad publics that engaged scholarship addresses? What disciplinary and
institutional obstacles do graduate students and untenured faculty continue to push against as they
pursue engaged scholarship?

PAGE invites graduate students and early-career scholars with a demonstrated interest in public
scholarship to apply for new and returning PAGE Fellowships in order to attend the 2010
Imagining America national conference in Seattle, Washington, 23-25 September. New fellows
will receive $500 and returning fellows will receive $300 to attend the conference, and will have
their conference registration fees waived. They will: attend the day-long, PAGE Summit on
September 23rd, where they will be given ample time to discuss and receive feedback on their
own emerging or established praxis; attend the general conference sessions; have an opportunity
for individual mentorship with leaders in the field of public cultural practice; and be invited to
participate in the conference’s poster session.

Graduate students at all stages of their MA/MFA/PhD programs, as well as early-career scholars
within two years of graduation are eligible to be PAGE Fellows. Cognizant of the diverse needs,
experiences, and interests of our applicant pool, PAGE encourages applicants to specify their
history in public scholarship, and some of the broad or specific issues and questions that they
would be interesting in exploring as PAGE Fellows. Note: Only students who are affiliated with
Imagining America member institutions are eligible for this award. A list of member institutions,
and more information about Imagining America, can be found at:

To apply, send a 1-2 page letter of interest and a 1-2 page CV by Monday, May 3rd, 2010, to:
Robin Goettel, Assistant Director, Imagining America, Syracuse University. Applications must be
sent electronically ( General questions should be directed to PAGE director,
Kevin Bott (