Nettrice Gaskins to Speak at ICA

Nettrice Gaskins, Computer Arts Academic and Community Liaison at MassArt, will be giving a talk as a special guest  at the RYMAEC (Regional Youth Media Arts Education Consortium) Web 2.0pen MIC meeting at the ICA on:

March 19, 7-7:30
Institute of Contemporary Art

100 Northern Ave., Boston

Almost anything—text, sound, photos, motion media, music—can be digitized and presented on a computer, transmitted over an online network, and even displayed in virtual 3D space. Nettrice’s presentation shows how the Web 3.0 platform is beginning to transform and converge current web technologies into immersive, 3D spaces for art making and learning. Nettrice uses Second Life to expand art curricula and open up new bridges to connect and collaborate with students on a variety of topics.



The evening includes:

5:00-9:00 pm   Open galleries at the ICA

6:00-7:00            Web 2.0 pen Mic for Educators – show off  your favorite uses of web technology for the classroom

7:00-7:30            Nettrice Gaskins talk

7:30-8:30            Socialize, network, have some refreshments in the theater, explore the galleries

The event is free, but if you are coming, please rsvp to
or call Joe Douillette, RYMAEC Coordinator, at 617-478-3133.

RYMAEC is a collaborative community.  For more information, see