Dear Art Education Majors:
As the incoming chair and on behalf of the entire Art Education faculty and staff, I want to welcome you back to MassArt. We anticipate another great year of working, learning, teaching, making work and socializing together.
To get the year started, you are cordially required to attend the Majors Orientation Day on Wednesday, September 3rd. We convene as a department at 9:00 a.m. in the Student Lounge (2nd Fl., Kennedy) for the ArtEd Café. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your faculty serve you coffee and Danishes. During the Café, Dr. Lois Hetland facilitates a morning of small-group conversation about perceptions of the teaching and learning in the Art Education majors. This morning offers us an opportunity to learn from each other in a relaxed, ‘coffee-house’ setting.
Photo: Dan and his daughters in Ecuador
After the morning session, you are encouraged to grab lunch on your own in small groups and reconvene at The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA). We wrap up around 3:00 PM, after which, you are invited to linger at the ICA.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Dan Serig
Majors Orientation Day on Wednesday, September 3rd Details:
- We start at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 3rd in the Student Lounge.
- Bring a Charlie Card to get to the ICA.
- Bring your MassArt Student ID – this gets you into the ICA free.
- Expect the day to finish at the ICA at 3:00 PM.