Exhibitions Class Show

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Arnheim Gallery
April 22-May 2

Reception:  Thursday May 1st, 4-7 pm

 Alison Miller, detail, Woman #3    Erin Feeney, Untitled


Alejandra Alessio
Casey Bell
Debrah Bell
Robin Bellinger
Leea Bolton
Nick Colen
Bridget Curley
Alexandra Dubois
Erin Feeney
John Giordano  

Lindsay Keyes
Padraic Manning
Lyndsey Maxner
Alison Miller
Dan Serig
Carol Shaw
Sylvia Shephard
Amy Tatreau
Shynna Viteri
Sandy Weisman

This year the Exhibitions class and other participants looked at boundaries as the launch point for their artwork.  

 Boundaries: i.e. restrictions, margins, precincts, the edge, the rim, frame, perimeter, also circumference.

Are boundaries simply the marker of the end, that particular point past which there can be no more, which holds back and confines? Or can the edge also be the beginning? Past the point of no return lies a land of opportunity: the center from which new can begin, the middle, hub, heart and core; the axis and launch point. Where boundaries limit they may also inaugurate, father, institute, pioneer and give birth. Terminus is the collected work of twenty artists interpreting the limitations and possibilities of physical, political, psychological and personal worlds.

Terminus is the Greek term meaning boundary stone. Historically the boundary stone was used as a marker of the beginnings or changing of lands similar to modern fences and walls. They mark critical points, establish meaning that is a conception purely of the human mind, ownership of land. This exhibition questions not only what boundaries are and where they lie, but where they come from. Which limits are in natural existence and which do we create for our own purposes and needs? The works in this show are the physical markers of both.

In response to the show, the class also developed a gallery education program around the exhibition for a high school group from Greater Egleston Community High School in Egleston Square, Roxbury.

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