Michael Terrile

Michael Terrile (TC 1992, MSAE 1995)  still teaches  elementary art in Hampstead, New Hampshire, the  job he began right after completing the Teacher Certification program at MassArt.   He continues to find  teaching "extremely rewarding."

Michael will be showing a few of his paintings in the J. Demeri Gallery in Rockport this summer.

 He and his wife are expecting their second child in June.  Their son Anthony is 2 years old.


 michael-terrile-house-on-the-hillforweb.jpg  michael-terrile-shoe-shopforweb.jpg
 House on the Hill  Shoe Shop
 micahelterrilehampstead3forweb.jpg Paintings from Hampstead, New Hampshire, where Michael Terrile lives and teaches.
 Hampstead 3