All School Show

A  Message from Debrah Bell, Art Education SGA rep:

The All School Show is upon us!

If you wish to submit work for the show, please drop off up to three submissions to room S109 on the following dates and times:  

 Thursday, March 27 5pm – 8pm  or Friday, March 28 10am – 3pm.

Work to be exhibited will be chosen on Sunday  March 30.   All unexhibited work can be picked up on Monday  March 31  1 – 4pm in S109.  The Art Education  All School Show will be installed on Monday March 31 in the Arnheim Gallery and run through Friday April 4.

The Reception for the show will be on Wednesday April 2.  Please come and support your fellow students.

 If you wish to help with the installation of the show, there will be a brief meeting on Thursday  March 27 at 1pm in S109.

 If you have any questions,  please e-mail SGA Rep Debrah Bell at