Race, Cullture, Identity & Achievement Seminar Series

Closing the Achievement Gap for Latino Students:  What Does It Take?

Speaker:      Eugene Garcia, Vice President, Education Partnerships, Arizona State Univeristy, Tempe, AZ
February 14, 4:00-6:00  p.m.
Wheelock Family Theater, 200 The Riverway, Boston

Anti-Bias/Anti-Racist Education for All Children

Speaker:    Louise Derman Sparks, Professor Emeritus, Pacific Oaks College and Children’s School, Pasadena, CA
March 12, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Boston Children’s Museum, 300 Congress Street, Boston

Series sponsored by:  Boston Children’s Museum, Boston Public Schools Center for Leadership Development, The Center for Collaborative Education, Constance and Lewis Counts, Lesley University, Boston Plan for Excellence, TERC, Simmons College, Wheelock College