New Exhibition: January 22 – February 7


johncroweandsajelpatelsmall.jpgPassions, Fascinations, and Perplexations
Visualizing Visual Arts Education

An interactive visual conversation / installation by the Art Education Department

in the Arnheim Gallery

Don’t miss this!

When: January 22 to February 7

Perplexations? Inclinations? Lois (& others, especially students), I am challenging you! And I have a sidekick — address her as Miss Sejal Patel. Be afraid!







While John is bent on battle, Lois anticipates heating matters of substance and consequence regarding arts teaching and learning so that they change form, interacting with increasing rapidity to create new thoughts, structures, and adhesions.

Oh Lois my dear colleague,
Please understand that my “battle” language comes out of my strict Lowenfeld/MassArt education of the 1960s, out of my resulting penchant for hyperbole and drama as motivating forces. Also in the mix is my passion for a true battle against narrow, overly rational, logocentric takes on visual arts education. Please see my first studio offerings to the Perplexations Exhibit (photos to follow) which are small arms weapons against the absurdity of the testing culture. I LOVE working with you and our students. I so appreciate your and Shireen’s wholehearted participation in our Curriculum class last night – so substantive and FUN!
xxoo, john c

{mospagebreak title=The installation begins!}

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Jan. 18, 2008: Kristen Mills’ Concepts and Processes class begins the conversation.

{mospagebreak title=Curriculum Class Jan. 23, 2008}

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Crowe rules best.

Lois busts rules.

 {mospagebreak title=Preprac Classes Monday Jan. 28}

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Stay Tuned!