Don't Miss this Performance

The American Repertory Theatre invites you to:

no_child_school_photo.jpgNO CHILD …

Written & performed by Nilaja Sun
Directed by Hal Brooks

Loeb Drama Center
Brattle Street

Nilaja Sun worked as a teaching artist at a high school in the Bronx, where every day the students face huge challenges in simply coming to school. She directed them in a play, and their trials and triumphs form the basis of No Child…. In a performance reminiscent of The Syringa Tree, Nilaja herself takes all the parts, transforming into the students, teachers, parents, administrators, janitors and security guards who inhabit our public schools and shape the future of America.

An award-winning hit in New York, No Child… is a virtuosic performance, joyous and heart-wrenching. In Nilaja’s words, “I created this piece to be a snapshot from the trenches, something entertaining and provocative that’ll get people talking about the state of our public schools.”

Lois Hetland has seen this production and declares it’s “not to be missed…. it’s going to be the talk of the town!”

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 Nilaja Sun in No Child …


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