Arts Advocacy Day at the State House


Artists under the Dome
November 8, 10:00-3:00
Great Hall, State House

The first annual Artists Under the Dome  event is happening this Thursday at the Massachusetts State House, to honor artists and invite artists in all disciplines (including dance, music, theater, writing and the visual arts) to become engaged with state policy makers.  The Commonwealth is recognizing individual artists  as "the corner stones of the foundation of our culture and our creative economy. "

This is an opportunity for all artists at every level to be counted in a way that could effect future funding for the arts in this state.   At the event  next Thursday, all legislators will have their doors open to talk to artists about supporting the arts, and that’s a rare opportunity not to be missed .   Artists are strongly enouraged to rsvp for this event. 

iew the official invitation

You can also participate even if you can’t attend.  Send your State Representative and State Senator a small packet of your publicity materials or a statement of what you do (not original work).  Call their offices  or even set up  an appointment with them or their staff.   Make your voice  heard.

Artists under the Dome is an organized effort to provide a State-level forum for Massachusetts artists.  The goals are to foster a dialogue across artistic disciplines and to assess and address overlapping concerns and needs of the artist community.   Lif Nofziger, who teaches the undergraduate New Media class in our department, designed the ArtistsundertheDome website.