Bonnie Muir

Bonnie Muir
Uninhibited Truth

Arnheim Gallery
South Hall
Massachusetts College of Art and Design

September 24 – October 11
Mon. – Sat. 10-6

Reception:  September 27, 6-8pm

We shall never cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time.

–  T. S. Eliot


I create art so I can rediscover the fresh and vibrant vision of a child.  Unable to accomplish this challenge on my own, my ceramic work is directly inspired by the child artist’s unselfconscious and spontaneous drawings.  Children’s uninhibited truth and unabashed emotion shine through in their work.  My pieces are a collaboration between their primal view and my knowledge and skill as a ceramicist.

For this exhibition I have dramatically edited my body of work.  I am experimenting with aspects of scale and installation to honor the spirit of my young students.